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Celebrating 100 Years of Innovation: A Journey Through PDL's Legacy

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

PDL, a pioneer in its industry, is reaching a significant milestone this year as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. For a century, the company has been at the forefront of innovation, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. Join us as we embark on a captivating journey through the remarkable achievements, transformative breakthroughs, and its enduring impact over the past century.


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Chapter 1: The Genesis of Excellence

PDL's story began in 1879 when visionary entrepreneurs Maurice and Jacques Braunstein established the company with a bold mission: to revolutionize specialty papers. Through hard work and determination, their unwavering commitment to excellence laid the foundation for what would become a global powerhouse in their field.

Chapter 2: Trailblazing Innovations Over the years, PDL has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation. From breakthrough technological advancements to revolutionary products and services, the company has been a trailblazer, transforming entire industries along the way.

Chapter 3: Nurturing Talent and Inspiring Minds Behind PDL's remarkable success lies its dedicated workforce. From the brightest minds in research and development to the visionary leaders guiding the company, PDL has always recognized the importance of nurturing talent and empowering its employees. By fostering a culture of innovation, diversity, and inclusivity, PDL did not only shape the iconic identity it has today; it revolutionized paper manufacturing thanks to the great minds it welcomed.

Chapter 4: Global Reach and Impact

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With an unwavering commitment to excellence, PDL has expanded its reach across the globe, touching the lives of millions. By using its unparalleled expertise and developing innovative papers that always answer the highest quality standards, PDL has been able to build privileged partnerships across the globe and remain competitive despite unprecedented times.

Chapter 5: Embracing Change and Adaptation

papetier  industrie papetière  papier cuisson  papier sulfurisé  alimentaire  fsc pefc kasher  halal  certifications  qualité  life  patisserie  resistance chaleur  environment  alpes  france  pate vierge  fda  certifications alimentaires  avere  avenco  compostabilité  recyclabilité  développement durable protection  nourriture  mouillage  moule  cuisine  four  micro-onde  génoise  bretzel  air santé  cycle  leader technologique PL  préservation  innovation procédés propres  reduction des déchets  consommation d’eau  star  classic  light sans PFAS   papermaker  paper industry  baking paper  parchment paper  food  fsc pefc kosher  halal  certifications  quality  life  environment  alps  france  virgin pulp  fda  food certifications  avere  avenco  compostability  recyclability  sustainable development protection  cooking  baking  heat resistance  soak mold  kitchen  pastry  heat resistance  oven  microwave  sponge cake  pretzel  air healthy cycle  technological leader PDL  preservation  innovation clean processes waste reduction water consumption  star  classic light  PFAS free

Surviving and thriving for a century requires the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

As an industry with a direct impact on its surrounding environment, whether it is through the source of its raw material or its global footprint, PDL has had a responsibility to develop eco-friendly technologies and plan ahead to safeguard a healthy future for the next generations. So, as the world embraces economic, social, and ecological shifts, PDL has, throughout the years, consistently reinvented itself to stay ahead of the curve.

Chapter 6: The Future Unveiled As PDL celebrates its centenary, it looks forward to an exciting future filled with new opportunities and challenges. Whether it is through outstanding innovations that defend sustainable practices or embracing a greater role with its community, the company continues to reach for the moon to drive towards even greater heights.



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papetier  industrie papetière  papier cuisson  papier sulfurisé  alimentaire  fsc pefc kasher  halal  certifications  qualité  life  patisserie  resistance chaleur  environment  alpes  france  pate vierge  fda  certifications alimentaires  avere  avenco  compostabilité  recyclabilité  développement durable protection  nourriture  mouillage  moule  cuisine  four  micro-onde  génoise  bretzel  air santé  cycle  leader technologique PL  préservation  innovation procédés propres  reduction des déchets  consommation d’eau  star  classic  light sans PFAS   papermaker  paper industry  baking paper  parchment paper  food  fsc pefc kosher  halal  certifications  quality  life  environment  alps  france  virgin pulp  fda  food certifications  avere  avenco  compostability  recyclability  sustainable development protection  cooking  baking  heat resistance  soak mold  kitchen  pastry  heat resistance  oven  microwave  sponge cake  pretzel  air healthy cycle  technological leader PDL  preservation
papetier  industrie papetière  papier cuisson  papier sulfurisé  alimentaire  fsc pefc kasher  halal  certifications  qualité  life  patisserie  resistance chaleur  environment  alpes  france  pate vierge  fda  certifications alimentaires  avere  avenco  compostabilité  recyclabilité  développement durable protection  nourriture  mouillage  moule  cuisine  four  micro-onde  génoise  bretzel  air santé  cycle  leader technologique PL  préservation  innovation procédés propres  reduction des déchets  consommation d’eau  star  classic  light sans PFAS   papermaker  paper industry  baking paper  parchment paper  food  fsc pefc kosher  halal  certifications  quality  life  environment  alps  france  virgin pulp  fda  food certifications  avere  avenco  compostability  recyclability  sustainable development protection  cooking  baking  heat resistance  soak mold  kitchen  pastry  heat resistance  oven  microwave  sponge cake  pretzel  air healthy cycle  technological leader PDL  preservation
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